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Welcoming Felicia Updyke: A New Chapter for Newport Downtown Development

Aug 5, 2024

Newport Downtown Development (NDD) is thrilled to announce the addition of Felicia Updyke as our new full-time Associate Director. Felicia brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to our community, promising to make significant contributions to many of NDD’s ongoing and future projects.

A Vision for Newport

Felicia’s primary focus will be on animating the Newport Outdoor Recreation Collaborative, aiming to establish Newport as the premier hub for four-season outdoor recreation in the northern Northeast Kingdom (NEK). Additionally, she will play a crucial role in supporting the growth and development of small and micro-businesses within Newport’s downtown, fostering economic vitality and community resilience.

A Familiar Face

Felicia and her family moved to Newport two years ago and quickly became active participants in downtown Newport’s revitalization efforts. With a background working for the Memphremagog Community Maritime and Eden Specialty Ciders, Felicia brings a diverse skill set and a passionate commitment to the community.

“I am so excited to be able to put more time and energy into an organization I have already been a part of as a volunteer for the past couple of years. I am looking forward to making Newport a place I am proud to call home and for my daughter to grow up in,” Felicia shared.

Building Capacity for a Bright Future

Rick Ufford-Chase, Executive Director of NDD, highlighted the importance of expanding NDD’s capacity to meet the growing needs of Newport’s revitalization efforts. “The expanded vision of NDD’s role in the rebirth of our downtown demands that we build our capacity swiftly. From workforce development with North Country Career Center to Winter Saturday dances at the Gateway, and from the Forage Festival to establishing Newport’s identity as the southern anchor of a beautiful international lake, we are working hard to make Newport a great place to live, work, and play! Felicia’s arrival will allow us to push harder on the long-term economic development strategies that will be the foundation for Newport’s revitalization over the coming years.”

Join Us in Our Mission

NDD is driven by the dedication and energy of nearly 100 volunteers, and we are always looking for more passionate individuals to join our efforts. If you’re interested in getting involved, please reach out to Felicia at FeliciaU@nddvt.org or Rick at RickUC@nddvt.org. Together, we can continue to make Newport a vibrant, thriving community for everyone.

We are excited to see the positive impact Felicia will have on our projects and look forward to the continued growth and success of Newport Downtown Development with her on board. Welcome, Felicia!