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newport news

Sights and Tastes of Memphremagog Cross-Border Adventure Map

Aug 1, 2023

A great thing happened for Newport and the entire Memphremagog region today! After 9 months of effort, a binational team from Quebec and Vermont unveiled our “Sights and Tastes of Memphremagog” Cross-Border Adventure Map that highlights the farmers markets, local producers and sightseeing opportunities on both sides of the border and all around the lake. The event took place on The Northern Star, with residents, business owners, and elected and appointed officials from local and regional levels. We had a great time, and it is clear there is lots of good will to take on new projects together in the future.

The map is available in both French and English versions, and there will be copies available in English at the Welcome Center in Newport, at the City Dock and on the boat, and at the Farmers Market. Message us if you’d like help us distribute them – and build your next date night around the map!