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Paper Bead-Making Workshop Starts June 15 at the MAC

May 29, 2024

The Memphremagog Arts Collaborative (MAC) is excited to announce a two-session paper bead-making workshop led by Deb Zuk. The workshops are scheduled for June 15 and June 22, from 1 PM to 3 PM at the MAC gallery, located at 158 Main Street, Newport.

This creative workshop is open to participants aged 10 and up, with a nominal fee of $5 covering all necessary materials. To secure your spot, please pre-register by emailing macartsevents@gmail.com or visiting the gallery in person.

Deb Zuk, the workshop instructor, shared her enthusiasm: “At the workshop, you will learn to make your own paper beads for jewelry, window pendants, and any other creative ideas that you have.”

The MAC Center For the Arts is dedicated to fostering artistic expression in the community. For more information about the workshop or other events, please call 802-334-1966 or visit MAC Center For the Arts.

Don’t miss this opportunity to explore your creativity and craft beautiful paper beads!