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North Country Career Center Remodel Update

Jan 15, 2024

In spite of all the rain and heavy snow over the last month, the students from the Building Trades program at North Country Career Center have been hard at work. Early in the winter they all did a full day of training on how to work with hazardous materials – particularly lead and asbestos.

Though they have some work on the roof, most of their labor has been inside the building where they have been focused on demolition of the interior walls and plaster.

Additionally, NCDD volunteer Dave Kerr has been working on developing a long-term site plan for the property that takes into consideration necessary permitting requirements from the State of Vermont. This will impact plans for how the house remodel will be completed and what will happen to the barn and garage on the property. Stay tuned.

Progress on both fronts has been steady, and each step offers an opportunity for “live learning” for the students.

By the way – the four students and their instructor Jeremy are often on the property between noon and 2 pm if anyone is in the mood to bake some cookies and drop them by!