newport news
Pumpkin Palooza and Halloween Scavenger Hunt a success
Downtown Newport was buzzing with excitement at the annual Pumpkin Palooza and the new Halloween Scavenger Hunt took over the streets. The event saw an impressive turnout of 788 attendees at the Goodrich Memorial Library alone, with local businesses reporting an...
Grateful Returns October 21
On October 21st, 2023, Grateful returns to our corner of the Northeast Kingdom! This mixed surface run and bike event offers a truly personalized challenge with the backdrop of picturesque mountains, expansive views of Lake Memphremagog, and fall foliage. Choose a...
100 Days of Lake Memphremagog: A Journey Through Art with Alyssa DeLaBruere
Newport is about to experience a breath of fresh air with the arrival of a new art exhibition titled "100 Days of Lake Memphremagog: An artist’s exploration, inspiration, and interpretation of this beautiful place we call home." The event promises to be a visual...
Classic Wooden Boats to Hold Rendezvous on Lake Memphremagog
The Lake Champlain Antique and Classic Boat Society is set to host a rendezvous on Lake Memphremagog on Saturday, September 23. Enthusiasts and spectators alike will have the chance to experience a bit of history and nostalgia. Participating boats, relics of...
Affordable Housing and Experiential Learning for Career Center Students
The North Country Career Center and Newport City Downtown Development have embarked on a joint venture to renovate the vacant farmhouse on the corner of East Main and Union Streets. “The project will begin as soon as my students are settled back into the school...