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Newport City Downtown Development Comes Back to Life

Oct 29, 2021

NCDD has come back to life this fall with a new website and logo and two new hires:

Rick Ufford-Chase is our new Community Engagement Specialist. Though he recently moved to the area, his family roots go back six generations in the Town of Lowell. Rick’s job is to support the revitalization of our five volunteer committees: Outdoor Recreation Economy, Marketing and Promotions, Economic Development, Design and Organization. He can be reached at Rick@ncddvt.org, or by phone or text at (845) 608-4056.

Bryan Marovich is our new Communications Strategist. He is the owner/editor of Newport Dispatch and has worked with NCDD and the City of Newport on a number of photo/video projects. Bryan’s primary responsibility is to develop and manage an effective social media strategy and provide layout for all publications of the NCDD.