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NCUHS Life-Skills Book Swap: Fostering Community and Literacy

Nov 27, 2023

Bringing Back the Joy of Reading: A Unique Event on Dec. 9

In a delightful blend of nostalgia and community engagement, North Country Union High School is gearing up for a special event that promises to rekindle the magic of elementary school book fairs and bring together people of all ages. The school’s Life-Skills Book Swap event, set for Saturday, Dec. 9, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., is more than just a book exchange; it’s a celebration of literacy and community spirit.

A Book Fair with a Twist: Entry Through Donation

What makes this event stand out is its unique entry condition – attendees are welcomed through donations, embodying the spirit of giving and sharing. The event is inspired by students’ fond memories of their early reading experiences and a shared commitment to making reading material more accessible to everyone.

A Treasure Trove of Genres for Everyone

The book swap boasts a diverse range of genres, ensuring there’s something for every reader. From practical how-to guides and enchanting children’s stories to festive holiday reads and an array of fiction and nonfiction, the event promises a literary feast. And the best part? There’s no limit to the number of books you can take home!

Supporting Educational Initiatives

The proceeds from the book swap will directly benefit the Life-Skills Activities Fund, a testament to the school’s dedication to furthering educational initiatives. Organized by the school’s librarian, Kristen McAllister, along with life-skills teachers Cheryl Bugbee and Lisa Moulton, the event has already seen an impressive influx of book donations, signaling strong community support.

Adding Flavor to Literacy: The Life-Skills Mobile Mug Coffee Shop
Enhancing the day’s festivities, the Life-Skills Mobile Mug Coffee Shop, an innovative project from the school’s math programming, will offer delicious hot chocolate, coffee, and baked goods for sale. This initiative not only provides practical learning experiences for students but also contributes to the event’s warm and welcoming atmosphere.

A Step Towards a Cherished Tradition

With the school community buzzing with excitement, there’s a palpable hope that this event will not only be a success but also become a beloved tradition. It’s a step towards fostering a greater sense of connection and a love for literacy among all participants.

Get Involved: Contact Carrie Lucas for Donations or Queries
Carrie Lucas is at the helm of this event, and she’s the go-to person for anyone willing to donate books or with queries. She can be contacted directly at the school at 802-334-7921, x3412. Your involvement, whether through donations or participation, can make a significant difference in enriching this community initiative.