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Memphremagog Watershed Association Wins $105,000 in Water Quality Grants

Mar 4, 2024

The Memphremagog Watershed Association (MWA) is proud to announce it has received nearly $105,000 in grant funding from the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board. This money will be used to fund four crucial projects in the Clyde River watershed, located in the towns of Derby, Newport, Holland, and Morgan.

The Projects

Riparian buffer planting and stream/wetland restoration to reduce erosion and improve fish habitat.
Wetland enhancement and trail improvement in partnership with VELCO to protect a Brook Trout and Atlantic Salmon habitat.
Phase 2 Valley Brook Restoration Project redesigning four damaged culverts to improve flood resilience and fish passage.

Why This Matters

These projects directly support the goal of reducing phosphorus pollution in Lake Memphremagog, addressing a critical water quality concern. MWA is coordinating the work with partners, including the Vermont DEC, VT Fish & Wildlife Dept., private landowners, and local towns.

About MWA

The Memphremagog Watershed Association, founded in 2007, works to protect the natural beauty and health of the Memphremagog Watershed.


Patrick Hurley, MWA Project Manager