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newport events

The Release~ Women’s Empowerment and Spiritual Awakening Retreat

The Release~ Women’s Empowerment and Spiritual Awakening Retreat

In this All Inclusive 2 Day Retreat, we’ll practice releasing that which does not serve us and explore what we want to save and which parts we need to let go of to make room for what’s coming to us, what we desire, what we are manifesting. Reserve your space with a deposit…
We will take a deep dive into the art of manifestation and the Law of Attraction and how easy but specific it is. With regard to our thoughts and actions and how they play into the outcome.
Through sound, creative movement, sacred circles, ceremony, meditation, Sound Baths and honesty, we’ll remove those unwanted tendencies and notions that hold us back opening us up to infinite possibilites.
Join us for an unforgettable weekend with likeminded women who share your interests in spirituality and intuition, you will leave a different person than when you came! Reserve your space with a deposit…
What’s Included:
Activation Spiritual Toolbox
Spell Kit Crafting
Sound Baths
Chakra Cleansing
Crystal Gridding
Sacred circles
Spirit Guided Portraiture and
Evidential Mediumship Reading
2 Days Lakeside lodging
5 Organic, vegetarian meals
Cooking Classes
Rest and Relaxation
Great conversation
Lifelong memories
Connections with likeminds
What’s not included:
Airfare to the retreat
Reserve your space with a deposit…all deposits are non-refundable.