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Downtown Innovation Gatherings

Jan 23, 2023

The Northern Forest Center (https://northernforest.org/) is teaming up with Newport City Downtown Development to offer four “Downtown Innovation Gatherings” for interested stakeholders and potential investors in Newport’s downtown business district. The four gatherings, two of which will be in person and two by zoom, will be offered by invitation during the month of February.

“The point is to generate conversation and build relationships that might lead to creative partnerships with the capacity to help Newport’s Downtown come to life,” said NCDD Director Rick Ufford-Chase.

The Center’s involvement grows out of their engagement with key stakeholders in Newport’s Rural Tourism Academy over the past year. Maura Adams, Director of Community Investment for the Northern Forest Center, said that the Center’s interest is in projects to develop middle-income housing stock that is inviting to new resident, as well as encouraging small business development in the downtown area that will be sustainable over time.  We’re also aware that larger projects like a downtown hotel might be possible if we help locals who are invested in Newport’s future to find and build relationships with one another.”

Each of the four meetings will be designed for 6 to 12 participants. The Northern Forest Center will invite key investors and stakeholders from other Northern Forest Communities in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine to share their stories. NCDD will also offer a brief overview of the opportunities in downtown Newport, and then the participants themselves will be asked to share their own ideas and interests.

“The intended takeaway is to build relationships and encourage collaboration and creativity,” Ufford-Chase added. 

For more information about the Downtown Innovation Gatherings, please contact Rick Ufford-Chase at rick@ncddvt.org.