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BORDERS – A Poetry Symposium

BORDERS – A Poetry Symposium


Painting with Words: Poetry Inspired by Music and the Visual Arts with Geza Tatrallyay in ENGLISH

10am -12pm Location: UU Church, 112 Main St, Derby Line, VT

Geza will discuss how poetry can be inspired by both music & visual arts. Much of poetry decodes in words what our senses tell us, whether it is sight, hearing or smell. The focus will be on how our senses perceive other works of art and can inspire poetry. Reference will be made to masterpieces of art & music that have inspired great poetry, and Geza will also discuss how some of his own work has been inspired. Parallels will be drawn to the art of translation as a similar endeavor.

Jeux sans frontières avec Francis Catalano en FRANCAIS

10-12 Location: Le Cabaret, 240 rue Dufferin, Stanstead, QC

Tout voyageur qui arrive à la frontière terrestre canado-étatsunienne doit déclarer les produits qu’il traverse. Certains ne peuvent pas passer (plantes, fruits, armes, drogue, etc). Dans cette optique, il s’agit d’écrire un poème où un moins une lettre sera interdite. Ce sera la lettre /e/. En d’autres mots, comme tout voyageur qui observe les lois, ils vont écrire un texte poétique en s’astreignant à ne pas y faire figurer la lettre /e/.

Your Voice & Your freedom: Weaving Different Genres with Rae Marie Taylor in ENGLISH

10-12pm Location: La Chrysalide, 246 rue Dufferin, Stanstead, QC

Different genres give us a different grasp of the world and our response to it. Perspective, tone, time and rhythm all can vary, but it’s our own writer’s voice that lends coherence to form. You’ll play with the weaving and/or juxtaposition of poetry, prose and narrative in your writing. A finished piece may result, or simply wonderful material and motivation for further work. Please come with 3 meaningful thoughts or subjects you’d care to write about and pen/pencil & paper or laptop.

Poetry of Place and (Be)longing: Connecting to Place in Poetry with Sarah Audsley in ENGLISH

1:30-3:30pm Location: UU Church, 112 Main St, Derby Line, VT

How can we belong to a place? Do we feel connected or not? Poetry can allow us to look more closely at our own sense of place. We’ll push past invented borders and navigate towards the new terrain of your own inner landscape. You will be invited to explore how poetry can embody a sense of belonging or a longing to belong. And to think about your connection to place. Writers at all stages are welcome. Participants will receive a poem packet and be invited to try new poetic forms.

Traverser, tendre des ponts, passer, l’atelier de création poétique animé avec Flavia Garcia

13:30-15:30 Location: Le Cabaret, 240 rue Dufferin, Stanstead, QC

Des deux côtés de la frontière s’entrelacent récits et amitiés, langue et identité, croyances et expériences. Précises ou poreuses, opaques ou transparentes, étanches ou perméables, les frontières définissent notre rapport à l’Autre. « La mer ne s’arrête pas aux frontières » dit la poète Gloria Anzaldúa. Les mots non plus. Elle proposera aux participant.e.s une réflexion à propos de la frontière et les invitera à écrire des poèmes sur le sujet.

History of Poetry in the Eastern Townships of Quebec Lecture with Steve Luxton in ENGLISH

1:30-3:30pm Location; Haskell Opera House, 1 rue Church, Stanstead, QC/93 Caswell Ave, Derby Line, VT

The Eastern Townships with its mountainous reaches and secluded vales, for many years has served as a refuge and inspiration for poets. They have praised the landscape and its people and commented succinctly and wisely on the affairs and concerns of the nation and larger world.

Steve will introduce listeners to some of the more significant and exciting of these Township poets and reflect on their imaginative links with the poets south of them over the international border.

Poetry as Pollination: Nature Writing and Beyond with Shannon Webb-Campbell in ENGLISH

1:30-3:30pm Location: La Chrysalide, 246 rue Dufferin, Stanstead, QC

Shannon presents a hivemind approach to the craft of poetry to introduce new and emerging writers – including those who’ve already published a few poems – to dip into the honey pots to buzz around with a variety of poetic techniques and see how poems can become pollinators. This is a hands-on workshop in which participants will be invited to consider the honeycomb and its relationship to poetry. Please bring your favorite nature-inspired and/or bee poem to class.