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newport news

Block printing workshop January 27 at the MAC Center for the Arts

Jan 1, 2024

A three-day Block Printing workshop for ages 12 and up will take place over three Saturdays: January 27, February 3rd, and February 10 from 1-4 pm at the MAC Center For the Arts in Newport. Lynn Rublee is the instructor. The cost for the three-day workshop, including materials, is $60 and advanced registration with the gallery is required.

“Block printing is a relief printing technique using a carved material to transfer ink onto paper,” said Rublee. “At the workshop, you will learn how to create a design, transfer it onto a block, carve it with carving tools and then print it making multiple copies. This is a fun and easy printing method.”

The MAC Center For the Arts, a 501C-3 non-profit organization, is located at 158 Main Street in Newport. For more information and to register for the workshops, please call 802.334.1966, or visit the web – http://www.maccenterforthearts.com.